tl |
top left corner |
tr |
top right corner |
bl |
bottom left corner |
br |
bottom right corner |
top |
upper corners |
bottom |
lower corners |
left |
left corners |
right |
right corners |
all (default) |
all the four corners |
none |
no corners will be rounded (to use for nifty columns) |
small |
small corners (2px) |
normal (default) |
normal size corners (5px) |
big |
big size corners (10px) |
transparent |
inner transparent, alias corners will be obtained. This option
activates automatically if the element to round does not have a
background-color specified. |
fixed-height |
to be applied when a fixed height is set via CSS |
same-height |
Parameter for nifty columns: all elements identified by the
CSS selector of the first parameter will have the same height. If the
effect is needed without rounded corners, simply use this parameter in
conjuction with the keyword none. |